As a deacon, I’ve "been on the job” since November 2002. As a volunteer, overall, I’ve been on board here since April, 1993. I’ve been an RE teacher (over 30 years, here and Diocese of Cleveland) at all grade levels; retreat leader for men, women, and couples; premarital counselor (partnered with Kathie); post marital enrichment program leader (again, with my wife); and we have worked with many couples who have struggled in their relationship.
My job is teaching, preaching, baptisms, marriages, wakes, funerals, graveside ceremonies, retreats, I'm the tech guy behind the scenes at archdiocesan functions as needed.
I love working with people; especially young people. I absolutely love to see the lights "turn on" when they start to truly understand more about their faith.
I have over 40 years of experience in Information Technology, which began in the military, with certificates in a large variety of hardware, software, network topologies, application development platforms from IBM mainfrmes to iOS and Android devices. I've got extensive training experience in both technical areas and soft skill bases (with certifications from Franklin Covey in their management training curriculums). I am a combat veteran and served with DOD/DIA. I'm a member of RPOA, a volunteer chaplain, a guest lecturer in RE programs (outside Epiphany), a public speaker and author.