Some of these activities may require that you complete the parish’s Safe Environment Training and have a background check. If you have questions about this, or to sign up for training, contact Tracy Russo at 405-722-2110 Extension 120.
Parish Work Days occur eight or nine times a year, on a Saturday morning. Generally, there is both indoor and outdoor work available. They are announced in the parish bulletin. “Just show up!”
Coffee and donuts are available in Bryce Hall after the 8:00 am & 10:00 am Masses each Sunday. Volunteers are recruited twice a year to serve for one Sunday a month for 6 months (March-August, September – February). This is a great way to help your church community and meet your fellow parishioners.
Parish Blood Drives are announced in the bulletin and a sign-up sheet is posted on the Marble Table a week or so in advance. While we always prefer that people sign up in advance, you can “just show up” on the morning of the drive.
Our Nursery Child Care workers are employees of the Parish. If you are interested in helping with this, contact Julie Winkfield at 405-722-2110.
To help with clerical tasks, such as mailings, answering phones, filing, etc., contact the parish office at 405-722-2110 extension 110.
The parish delivers “Mobile Meals” to people who are homebound. To volunteer for this service, contact the parish secretary at 405-722-2110 Extension 110.
To volunteer as a parish musician, contact the parish office at 405-722-2110.
For any other volunteer interest that you have, not listed above, start with the parish at 405-722-2110 Extension 110.