If you are a practicing or retired healthcare professional, or an interested layperson you are eligible to be a part of our Epiphany Health Ministry. We are involved in many aspects of our Epiphany community. On the third weekend of every month, nurses are available after each Mass for Blood Pressure Screening. The Oklahoma Blood Institute has a blood drive here three times a year. We assist with this drive.
The nurses (and any other interested member of Epiphany Health Ministry) are invited to attend the Annual Faith Community Nurses Conference held in March. This is an opportunity to grow in our spirituality and to hear what Faith Community Nurses across the country are doing in their communities.
The Faith Community Nurses Foundation Course is offered yearly. Epiphany supported several of our nurse’s attendance at this two-weekend workshop.
Annual Flu Shots are a regular part of helping to keep our faith community healthy. A member of the Health Ministry team offers these shots and our volunteers assist.
Tai Chi for Better Balance with JoAnn Schlegel. This class will improve your balance and overall wellness. It meats for one hour one or two times a week in the gym. There is no charge.
Senior Walk Hour is on Wednesdays from 10:00 am to 11:00 am the gym is available for anyone who would like to exercise their body and spirit at the same time. “Senior Walk” is being offered by your Health Ministry Team. Please enter through the west gym doors. We hope there will be a number of our parishioners who will want to participate in this time of quiet.
The Health Ministry team also hosts presentations on relevant topics such as stroke awareness, suicide, and mental health issues.
During the first weekend in Lent, we help Epiphany members spend time with God by walking our LABYRINTH, an ancient prayer tool that allows individuals the opportunity to spend quiet, reflective time in a peaceful and serene setting. Epiphany's Youth group helps with the labyrinth every year. It is a perfect way to prepare ourselves for the coming of our Lord at Easter.
For more information, contact Jenny Fenner at 405-722-2110.